Sustainable consumerism is the process of a consumer being well aware of the products they buy; educating their selves on products rather than going with what is being said about it by companies. A sustainable consumer makes smart ecological choices.
From globalization we have been given the ability to connect with others, help developing countries and in so many ways become a little more aware of the outside world. At the same time globalization has presented different species to enter our ecosystem and other things from other countries. From capitalism we have become more demanding and reliant on producing products after products to become further than we are now. With such a demand products need to be produced twice as fast…soooo what happens to the left over one too many products that no one seems to have use for any longer?? It just adds to our waste. Yes we are becoming more knowledgeable both ways but yet each concept has a negative impact on the environment.
Greenwashing is when a company portrays to sell eco-friendly products but they really do not. Since almost everyone is trying to go green and help the environment, they believe the lies and end up purchasing products that have little to no good for the environment.