If everyone lived like me it would take 4.3 Earths and 19.2 global acres to provide for them! My ecological footprint broke down as follows:
· Food 15%
· Shelter 19%
· Mobility 12%
· Food 8%
· Services 46%
After clicking the explore scenarios button I had two options: reduce the amount of animal products I currently eat by half. If everyone did this it would result in a the use of 645 million fewer global acres, an area that could cover 484 million football fields or I could purchase products that used less packaging or were made out of 100% post-consumer recycled content material. If everyone did this it would result in the use of 521 million fewer global acres, an area that could cover 391 million football fields. I could purchase products that used less packaging or were made out of 100% post-consumer recycled content material. I edited my footprint by using more recyclable material and eating more locally grown food the end result turned out to be that it would take 4.2 earths instead of 4.3 and 18.8 acres instead of 19.2. My ecological footprint broke down as follows:
· Food 13% (food was 15%)
· Shelter 19%
· Mobility 12%
· Food 8%
· Services 47% (services was 46%)
If the average American ecofootprint was 4.6 earths the maximum population that earth could sustain would be...
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